This coalition is a nationwide initiative to support nonpartisan character
education. CHARACTER COUNTS! is based on the shared beliefs and consensus values
of Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.
This is the character education initiative that I promote. At their web site ,
you will find numerous resources on how to begin a CHARACTER COUNTS initiative
in your school or community.
Dr. Mike Thomson is
an active educator and author who specializes in live, humorous motivational
presentations and workshops for people of all ages. He is the perfect choice of
a highly interactive and energizing keynote speech, in-service program, student
assembly, evening program for parents… or to conduct a content-packed,
note-taking half or full-day seminar. He is the author of “Who’s Raising Whom?
Strategies for Saving Your Sanity”, “Getting Parents Off Your Back and On Your
Side”, and in most recent book, “Strategies for Saving Your Sanity in
Life coaching can
benefit people of all ages, including kids facing everyday issues. This web site
has excellent resources on bullying prevention, dealing with stress, lack of
self-esteem and how to form friendships. This site suggested by the students in
Ms. Donna Knowlten's class.
A curriculum unit for grades 7-12 which
teaches the rights, responsibilities and civic values of U.S. citizenship, and
includes a group project in which students research and develop a solution for a
real problem in their community. This site has information on civic values, an
excellent presentation on service learning activities for middle and high school
students, a free service learning guide and many links to other sites related to
service learning.
This web site is based around common
themes that make us Americans and as presented in a series of related episodes
on Public Television dealing with freedom, responsibility and participation. The
series, along with activities and lessons, has been used in more than 20,000
classrooms nationwide to provide lessons in government, civics and history.
Sponsored by Farmers Insurance, it includes sample lesson plans for government,
U.S. History, Social Studies, Civics, Economics, Law, World History and Service
The Center
specializes in civic/citizenship education, law-related education, and
international educational exchange programs for developing democracies. Included
are programs on the history and principles of American constitutional democracy
for elementary, middle and high school; a middle school civic education program;
and other programs addressing school violence and democracy. The National
Standards for Civics and Government can be found here as well. The site has
curriculum materials, sample lesson plans and related children's literature
bibliographies as well as a comprehensive on-line catalog, a
good listing of available papers
and articles on civic education and a wonderful annotated list of internet
This site, directed
by Thomas Lickona, provides information on his Center at the State University of
New York at Cortland. The Center serves as a resource for character education,
disseminating articles on character education, publishing newsletters, and
holding annual conferences. The site contains the Center's newsletters, Dr.
Lickona's 12-point Comprehensive Approach to Character Education, the School as
a Caring Community Profile, other articles and opinion papers and a listing of
links, books and other resources.
Children's curriculum's using puppets on character issues
Bullying Prevention (Bully Busters)
Self Esteem (Barnyard Buddies)
Life and Refusal skills (The Bug Club)
Anger Management (Prehistoric Pals)
Tobacco Prevention (Tobacco Tales)
Alternatives to Violence, Vandalism, Victimization (Victory
over the 3 V's)
The Character Education Network is a place for
students, teachers, schools and communities to facilitate character education.
This site is dedicated to providing quality online, ready-to-use curriculum,
activities and resources that integrate with and enhance the classroom
experience. It allows schools and students to network together by sharing ideas
and experiences with others in their community and nationwide.
Character First!
Education is one of three branches of the Character Training Institute (CTI), a
non-profit organization based in Oklahoma City, Ok. With 45 character qualities
at its center, Character First! Education provides training and resources to
promote character development in individuals from all walks of life.
Written and developed
for teachers by teachers, characterworks! provides quick and easy lesson plans
and ideas to make character education work for elementary and secondary schools.
This curriculum is flexible and formatted in a menu style for easy and quick
selection based upon grade level abilities.
Civnet, published by
CIVITAS, is “a web site for civic education practitioners (teachers, teacher
trainers, curriculum designers), as well as scholars, policymakers, ...promoting
civil society all over the world.” The site provides a vast library of civics
teaching resources, lesson plans, discourses on civil society, information on
organizations and programs, historical documents, and an excellent list of
annotated links to national and international sites that promote civic awareness
and democracy.
Is a middle school
program primarily addressing destructive attitudes that lead to early sexual
involvement, teen pregnancy, substance abuse and dropping out of school. The
Community of Caring program supports students as they develop positive attitudes
through a focus on five values: caring, respect, trust, responsibility, and
family. The site contains information on these five values, the school program
and corresponding research, and a list of related character education and
service learning links.
The Constitutional
Rights Foundation is dedicated "to educating America's young people about the
importance of participation in a democratic society." Amongst other
publications, the Constitutional Rights Foundation publishes a wide variety of
information for teachers including civic participation materials.
Is a non-profit
literature project devoted to spreading the word about people who "stick their
necks out for the common good". Its various programs include The Giraffe Heroes
Program, a story-based curriculum that teaches “courage, compassion and active
citizenship”; the Giraffe Heroes Training Program; and a variety of public
information and awareness programs.
offers free character education resources for K-12 teachers, coaches, and youth
group leaders, all organized by topic and grade level. You'll find curriculum
materials, discussion questions, writing assignments, group learning activities,
opportunities for student action and lots of teacher support material.
The Heartwood
Institute is a non-profit educational organization whose mission is to promote
the understanding and practice of ethical values that are the foundation of
community among all people, with particular emphasis on children and families.
Heartwood offers pre-K and elementary ethics curriculums that use multi-
cultural literature to help children understand seven universal attributes:
Courage, Loyalty, Justice, Respect, Hope, Honesty, and Love.
This organization has
available curriculum materials for middle schools and high schools, and much
more. The Institute is a nonsectarian, global research and educational
organization which “supports public discourse and practical action around
significant ethical issues”.
The International
Center for Character Education (ICCE), housed at the University of San Diego,
has as its purpose to “enable school personnel, parents, teacher educators,
faith community members...to come together to study, discuss...the character
education of children and youth.” The ICCE offers the only Certificate and MA
programs in Character Education.
offers a selection of classroom videos for character education, violence
prevention, conflict resolution, and guidance. Created for grades K-12, these
videos help young people become caring, respectful, responsible people who think
critically, solve problems non-violently, and make choices based on what's
Operation Respect is
a non-profit organization working to transform schools, camps and organizations
focused on children and youth, into more compassionate, safe and respectful
environments. Founded by Peter Yarrow of the folk group Peter, Paul & Mary, the
organization disseminates educational resources that are designed to establish a
climate that reduces the emotional and physical cruelty some children inflict
upon each other by behaviors such as ridicule, bullying and-in extreme
cases-violence. It is a unique organization that provides a gateway to broad
scale adoption of school-based character education as well as social and
emotional learning programs.
A for-profit
organization which is “committed to providing schools with Character Education
materials that encourage students to reflect” on values and their application.
The centerpiece of the program is a collection of thought-provoking messages to
be read over the PA system. The program also includes a reproducible set of
weekly themes, weekly journals, classroom discussion guides and a booklet of
quotations for the classroom.
Utah was one of the
first states funded under the U.S. Department of Education's Character Education
Partnership Grants. This web site describes the history of the project, its
progress over two years, curriculum plans, evaluation of progress thus far,
lesson plans, the theory and history of character education, and links to other
related sites.
WiseSkills is an
innovative, interdisciplinary K-12 character education program that builds
character by highlighting the words and lives of positive role models. Materials
integrate easily into academic subject areas. The web site includes a variety of
sample pages and free lesson ideas and reproducibles.
This is a nonpartisan coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to developing moral character and civic virtue in our nation's youth as one means of creating a more compassionate and responsible society.
The California University Character Education
Institute opened in January 1995, in response to a report from the Pennsylvania
State System of Higher Education urging the systems universities
to give increased attention to values during the 1990s.
Character Critters
is a character education program developed by the LSU AgCenter for preschooland
kindergarten children and their parents featuring six character story concepts:
responsibility, respect, citizenship,trustworthiness, caring, and fairness.
The Character Education Institute
(CEI) has developed a curriculum for kindergarten through the ninth grade
which seeks to develop responsible citizens. Now taught in 50,000 classrooms
across the country.
Search engine for California colleges universities and colleges
California, which offer the degree you are looking for.