Ideas For School Activities and Programs
Developing AwarenessPosters in classrooms, doorways, common areas and by water fountains displaying common definitions, the six pillars and the words of the month/week.
Morning announcements made related to the six pillars
Quotations are shared and discussed weekly/daily
Library displays the six pillars and establishes a companion reading list for words of the week and the six pillars.
Wall of Character featuring pictures and biographies of students
Faculty training programs held for all staff members
Assembly (age and grade appropriate) held to introduce or reinforce the pillars
Ethical challenges posted in the hallways or other common areas
Spectator guidelines enforcing pillars shared at athletic events
Reaching Out, Involvement and Integration
Community service activities initiated or continued as part of citizenship and responsibility
Mentoring programs for incoming students, and students with special needs or challenges
Door decorating contest held by homerooms
Host random (planned) acts of kindness days/weeks for pillar of caring
“Grandparents,” staff, or older students read and discuss storybooks to young students with moral themes
Essay contests judged by community/business partners
Identified school partners participate in character building activities
Publish articles in school and parent newspapers/newsletters
Host parent information nights
Send parents “HOME WORK” on the six pillars
Presentations made to service clubs
Encourage businesses to post CHARACTER COUNTS! ads on their marquis or billboards
Make a large banner to hang in the school or other civic areas
Prepare PSA’s for radio, television or morning announcements
Special Events
Host a “Speak No Evil” Day
Identify local “person of character” posters with recognition
Host a community and school-wide CHARACTER COUNTS! awards program
Students present essays, quotations, art, music or drama at city/county government or civic events
Host a CHARACTER COUNTS! in sports discussing ethical issues that pertain to sporting events
Sponsor a CHARACTER COUNTS! ribbon contest and/or participate in red ribbon week (one week after CHARACTER COUNTS! week)
Hold a collection drive (collect examples of people practicing the six pillars)
Recognize students with a sticker when seen acting with character.
Set up a service club or integrate CHARACTER COUNTS! with student council to sponsor CHARACTER COUNTS! events
Conduct a late night or overnight retreat with teens to study ethical behavior and school/community problems
Host a speech contest on the pillar of the month
Anonymously track positive behaviors during a selected period (passing in the halls/cafeteria behaviors, etc.) Post the results and/or recognize students for good behavior
Host a moral courage day when students study world issues such as the Holocaust, World Hunger or Child Abuse
Host a seminar on cheating and stealing