There are many methods for collecting, analyzing and using data to determine the value of CHARACTER COUNTS! at your school, This could include:


§         Discipline/Suspension statistics - number and nature of referrals

§         Surveys - staff, students, parents

§         Student attendance

§         Student participation in after school activities

§         Number of participants in community service learning projects or leadership activities

§         Anecdotal records - teacher/staff stories of improved character

§         Police records related to incidents of juvenile crime

§         Increased use of mediation or conflict resolution resources


Here are examples that could be used to help schools measure success:

1)                  Survey students. What does "CHARACTER COUNTS!" mean to them? Has it changed their view of school?

2)                  Survey parents. Through the use of a survey about the quality of education, add questions that address character improvement between home and school.

3)                  Survey teachers. What changes do they see in student behavior? Is there more time to teach?  Have staff interactions improved?

4)                  Assess school pride. Have incidents of vandalism and graffiti increased, decreased, or remained the same? Ask the custodian what he or she sees.

5)                  Discipline problems. Have there been any changes in principal referrals, detention rates, or suspensions, as well as teacher perceptions of student honesty, caring, respect, responsibility, and self-discipline?

6)                  Character reasoning tests. Create a paper-and-pencil character test and administer it before the program and each year thereafter. For example:

"A child finds a wallet. What should he do? (a) turn it in, (b) keep the money and throw it away, (c) keep the money and turn in the rest, or (d) don't touch it, pass it by."

7)                  Student attitudes. Are students working harder, smarter, or more cooperatively? How do students perceive themselves? Have students' opinions of themselves changed? Student goals. Do students perceive better situations for themselves in the future?

8)                  Student achievement. Are there any changes in grades or achievement test scores?


Specific measures for secondary schools:

1.      Attendance and drop-out rates. Are students more responsible or less responsible about coming to school and staying in school?

2.      Reassess the use of controlled substances. Have instances of tobacco use, alcohol and/or drug use or possession increased or decreased?

3.      Theft, harassment, physical aggression. Are there any changes? Have student reports of shakedowns, bullying and locker break-ins increased, decreased, or remained the same?

4.      Student goals. Are students focused on setting goals? Do they plan for what is it they would like to accomplish? Do students perceive better situations for themselves in the future?