I have recently initiated a unique opportunity for schools to receive "Coaching Services" on character throughout a school year. Not just a one-time professional development experience but instead a learning mindset that will include a variety of tools to assist in program implementation. The coaching services are custom designed based upon the needs of school. Already initiated in schools for the 2016-17 year, the services can include:
Half or full day in-service workshop for school staff based on " Building Classrooms of Character."
Survey faculty, administrators, students and parent leaders. This will help in providing provide baseline data for effectiveness assessment and full knowledge and engagement of students and parents in comprehensive academic, social, emotional and character development goals.
Report of Survey Results. Assistance provided in presenting data to faculty and parents and soliciting feedback to help shape priorities.
Short but applicable electronic character updates with tools and tactics for teachers to use in the classroom and throughout the school.
Distribution of 10 minute Video Character Reflections that can be used by faculty in the intentional teaching of CHARACTER COUNTS!.
Integration in classroom and co-curricular Activities. Materials and ideas are provided to help teachers integrate CHARACTER COUNTS!
Assistance in providing a school-wide rubric that is based on successful implementation of CHARACTER COUNTS! that includes key elements for a meaningful, measurable and sustainable initiative: Vision, Consensus, Professional Development, Resources, Assessment, Action Plan.
Provision of suggested topics for regularly scheduled school-wide CHARACTER COUNTS Committee meetings.
Administration of end of year surveys.